If you are placing an order for an AVA club, please send an e-mail to
with your order details, or fax details to 210.659.1212. An invoice will be mailed to your AVA club at the time of delivery.
Individuals placing orders may do so by calling 210.659.2112, or you may send a fax to 210.659.1212, or send your payment and order details by mail. All individual orders must be pre-paid prior to delivery.
Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery,
allowing ample time for AVA to process your order.
Please make your check payable to AVA.
When purchasing one (1) to four (4)
IVV Record of Achievement Books, you pay
$1.50 for total shipping. To
order AVA merchandise online such as t-shirts and miscellaneous
items head to AVA's Cafèpress
AVA Merchandise
1032 S. Alamo St.
San Antonio, TX 78210

Click the form to view a PDF of on hand AVA merchandise |