

The American Volkssport Association (AVA) offers a full spectrum of sponsorship opportunities for your company to build community visibility. Whether you are looking into supporting a specific city, one of our ten regions, or the entire United States, we can create a sponsorship package that is right for your company's target audience. Best of all, your support of AVA directly benefits thousands of people by supporting our mission to make fun, fitness, and friendship acccessible to all. Our network of more than 250 AVA Clubs across the country provide more than 3,000 yearly noncompetitive sporting events promoting good health among a network of friends. Volkkssporting simply defined is "the people's sport" meaning that all can participate in our walks, hikes, bikes, and more without the pressure of competition and at their own pace. Everyone is welcome regardless of age or ability. We invite you to contact us today to join us in establishing healthy communities throughout the United States through volkssports!

Ready to partner with AVA?

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Click the appropiate selection below to request a pre-paid internet advertising link on our website,  an advertisement of your organization in our bi-monthly national newspaper,
The American Wanderer (TAW):

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